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Adaptive Sports New England






Aaronson L et al. Exercise for everyone: A randomized controlled trial of project workout on wheels in promoting exercise among wheelchair users. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2014;95:20-8.


Athletics (Track/Field). Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, USA Web site. 

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Cooper RA and De Luigi AJ. Adaptive sports technology and biomechanics: wheelchairs. Paralympics Sports Medicine and Science. 2014; 6: S31-S39


Cooper R. A systems approach to the modeling of racing wheelchair propulsion. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 1990; 27: 151-162


Frossard, Laurent A., O’Riordan, Alison, Goodman, Scott (2006) Overview of the use of applied biomechanics for evidence-based training of elite seated throwers. In 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference, January, Melbourne, Australia.


Morse M, Millikan T, Hedrick B. The para-backhand pushing technique. Sports ‘n Spokes. 1994; 58-60


Nary DE, Froehlich K, White GW. Accessibility of fitness facilities for persons with physical disabilities using wheelchairs. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2000; 6(1):87-98.


O'Riordan A, Frossard L. Seated shot put – What’s it all about?. Modern Athlete and Coach. 2006; 44(2):2-8.


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U.S. Department of Justice. Americans with Disabilities Act Title III. Available at: Accessed March 22, 2004.

Wheelchair and Ambulatory Sports, USA

U.S. Paralympics

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